Nomination Form

Leave your nomination in the comments below.

Give the following information:

1. Name of Saint

2. State why your saint should be the 2020 Champion.

3.  Leave your name and a way to contact you.

Don't forget!
This year has a twist.  It will be female saints against male saints.  Extra points will be given as follows:

Franciscan: 5 points

Doctor of the Church: 4 points

Martyr: 3 points

Nomination written cleverly according using the "St. Clement Lent Saint Madness" theme: 2 points

Nomination written with a good personal story: 1 to 3 points (determined by committee)

1 comment:

  1. 1. I nominate Saint Peregrine Laziosi.
    2. Saint Peregrine Laziosi grew up in the time frame that Saint Francis of Assisi lived in, and is a patron saint of serious illnesses, AIDs, and cancer.
    3. Stephen Sullivan (St. Clement Music Director)
